Kitchen Remodel Ideas to Make Your Space Look Larger


It is quite obvious that a small kitchen makes us feel stuffed and uncomfortable. While cooking something or cleaning the dishes, if your kitchen is compact, there has to be some adjustments made in order to allow yourself to work properly.

Do not worry, there are ways to sort this out, but you must choose according to your necessities in order to get the best out of it. 

What Are The Things That Come Into Play In A Kitchen?


You cannot deny the value that light puts on in a kitchen. If done properly, it improves the look, creates ambiance, and also helps with visibility. 

We suggest everyone to use proper lighting in their kitchen because it will surely help them with cooking and cleaning and at the same time make their kitchen look visually striking as well.


This is another important thing about a kitchen. From design to basic placement of items, everything defines the layout. And to remind you, the layout of a kitchen plays a big role in how comfortably a person can work.

Suppose you have a big space, but you fail to arrange things in a proper way, then you won’t be able to comfortably work in your kitchen. However, if the space is small but you have kept things properly, then despite the small space, you will work easily and complete things without any fuss.

Kitchen Appliances

We are living in 2024, that means there have been many technological advancements according to various human needs. And so, talking about kitchen appliances, there are tons of options available in the market nowadays to choose from. 

These kitchen appliances not only help with working, but also become a part of the overall look. Hence, one must carefully choose them so that they sync well with the kitchen.


Last but not least is the furniture of your kitchen. And obviously, in a place like Dubai, who would want to go for any outdated interior? Furniture has its own appeal and visual strike, and it makes a kitchen look more vibrant and up to date.

However, there is a lot of variety out there in the market and therefore you must be careful which one to go for. If you have any confusion, you can search for ‘carpenter near me’ on Google and call someone from Dubai Carpenter. Our workers carry catalogs that will help you decide which option to go for.

Small Kitchen Remodel Ideas To Make Your Space Feel Larger

Use Light Colors

Colors such as off-whites, baby pink and blue, and even light grays really brighten the room. These colors reflect natural light, thereby giving the impression that the space is far larger than it actually is. One should avoid using darker kitchen cabinets, walls, and countertops since they would make the kitchen appear to be more cramped than the actual area.

  • Basically light colors make your space feel larger by visually pushing back walls.
  • Light colors are considered sober and easy to look at, therefore they give a calm atmosphere to the one working in the kitchen.
  • Light colors can very easily blend with various colors and designs and are considered a versatile option.
  • Reflection is better with light colors, and that is what creates a sense of bigger space.

Use Mirrors Strategically

Mirrors play a decent role in improving as well as making your kitchen feel larger than it actually is. They also work as a minimal tool that will help give a look that even expensive paints cannot.

  • Mirrors can brighten up your kitchen naturally by reflecting light.
  • Mirrors make your kitchen look bigger because they reflect back things and do not block visuals.
  • Mirrors are not so expensive as paints and also are easy to maintain or even replace if necessary.
  • They come in different styles and you can choose which one suits your kitchen interior.

Use The Vertical Space Of Your Kitchen

This one is specially for all those people who seriously want to improve the look and at the same time make their small kitchen look bigger. So, using vertical space of the kitchen means choosing appliances and furniture that occupies more vertical space rather than ground space. This way, you would be able to use less space and at the same time keep more stuff without making things too congested.+

  • If you buy furniture and kitchen cabinets that have more vertical height, then you will be able to store more.
  • Things will be placed at eye level for you when you opt for vertical storage. They will be easy to access and therefore will save you time.
  • You can customize vertical furniture according to your needs and it totally depends on the layout of your kitchen. You can reach out to our carpenter Dubai if you want things done at the best price.
  • If you choose our carpentry services in Dubai, we will give you results that will be visually appealing as well as compact.

You Can Use Window Space To Hang Open Shelves

If you think you are out of space, then you can hang open shelves on your windows as well. It actually is a brilliant idea for those who have a small kitchen and there is little room.

Open shelves can be used to keep designer things or regular things that are used on a daily basis. However, make sure that the shelf is not that high and nothing vulnerable (like glass) is kept on it, because that could easily fall down and break.

Go For A Galley Kitchen Layout

In simple words, a galley kitchen means you have a gallery and everything is set right and left leaving a straight path. This point can be used by people having a small kitchen but want to elevate its look as well as usability.

A gallery will let you find things easily because almost everything is within reach. And if you have gone for vertical furniture, then a stool might help you get anything you want within seconds.

Optimize Your Storage Setting

Just like going for vertical furniture, you should try your best to optimize the storage setting of your kitchen. For that, you can reach out to carpenter Dubai because we have worked at many places where the kitchen was small, and interestingly, we have given our clients the desired results. 

Our services are affordable and cheap and our team is completely licensed and knows how to handle things in your kitchen.

Use Corner Shelves If Possible

If there is not enough storage in your kitchen for keeping things, you can use corner shelves wherever possible. These corner shelves can seriously boost things up for you and at the same time not occupy much space.

Corner shelves come in various shapes and sizes and also designs, so there is no problem if your kitchen is sober looking or has a modern looking, corner shelves always work wonders and also increase the storage capacity of your kitchen as well.

Use Metal Racks

Open racks can occupy less space than drawers, but you will have to find the right spot to hang it. Additionally, metal racks come in all shapes and sizes, so there is no problem with choosing the one that fits in with your kitchen. 

You can hang kitchen utensils or any other thing on these metal racks, give a little spice to your kitchen look and at the same time, save space that would have otherwise been gone.

Another thing to add here is that racks come in wood as well, and it totally depends on you which one to choose. If the interiors of your kitchen are metallic looking, then go for metal racks, otherwise you can choose wooden racks as well.

Use Counter For Both Cooking And Eating

This is another very good idea for all those small kitchen owners. It is not that the countertop is only for cooking purposes. People can also use it as a place to eat, but to do both these things, there has to be arrangements. There has to be a sitting space so that anyone can comfortably sit and eat.

You can make the countertop movable or like a slider because that way, during cooking work it can be kept at the corner and while eating it can be slided so that there is sitting and eating space in a comfortable way.

Bottom Line

People who have small kitchens tend to think that their kitchen is not worth it, but the case is not so. Although we can admit that having a small kitchen has some drawbacks, applying the above mentioned ideas will surely boost the look of their kitchen as well as elevate the usability and comfort.

We have carefully mentioned all the ways that will help people utilize their space to the fullest and therefore increase storage capacity, visual appeal, and ease of access.

And so with that, we end our blog now and hope the information here helped you . Thanks for reading!

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